Numbers of RDPs (out of 101 targeting Focus Area 3A) activating measures on FA 3A.

The European Commission analysis of all 118 national and regional rural development programmes (RDP) shows that around 300 000 farmers should receive support to participate in quality schemes, producer groups and organisations, and to develop local markets and short supply chains. According to a 2016 study commissioned for the European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, 10% of all rural development programme expenditure is devoted to Priority 3, 75% of these funds being allocated to its Focus Area 3A on improving competitiveness through integration in the food chain. Eleven Member States devote 95% or more of their Priority 3 funds to Focus Area 3A, while only five countries devote less than 50% of their Priority 3 funds to this. A total of 101 RDPs will invest €11.1 billion of public funds in Focus Area 3A, accounting for more than 7% of planned total public expenditure on the RDPs. In terms of numbers of RDPs using different measures, the most important are: Physical investments, Cooperation, Quality schemes, Knowledge transfer, Advisory services, Producer groups and Animal welfare.