Proposals and legal acts adopted by the Commission

The bar charts show the number of proposals transmitted by the Commission to the Council and Parliament, and the number of legal acts adopted by the Commission under delegated or implementing powers in each calendar year since 1999. The data shown are based on statistics from Eur-Lex.
In the first chart, the largest bar for each year shows the total number of proposals for legal acts submitted by the Commission to the Council, or to the Council and Parliament. The second bar shows, within that overall total, the number of proposals for legislative acts submitted by the Commission for adoption by the Council (under the consent or consultation procedure), or by the Council and Parliament (under the ordinary legislative procedure,
formerly co-decision – COD). The pink part of this second bar shows the proportion and number of those legislative proposals subject to co-decision. Overall, this first bar chart shows a declining trend in the total number of proposals over the period, and clearly shows the predominance of co-decision for legislative proposals since the Lisbon Treaty came into force.
The Commission adopts delegated and implementing acts under Articles 290 and 291 TFEU, or the earlier comitology system. The second bar chart shows a clear decline in the total number of such legal acts over the period, however the share of acts amending earlier such legal acts in the total has grown, from 17% in 1999 to 41% in 2015.