Trends in risk of poverty or social exclusion. Proportions of people 'at risk of poverty or social exclusion' in 2008 (EU-27) and 2014 (EU-28), by age group

With a rate of 27.8% in the EU-28, children were at greater risk of poverty or social
exclusion in 2014 than the rest of the population in 21 out of 25 Member States.12 The
percentage of children living in a household ‘at risk of poverty or social exclusion’
ranged from around 15% in Denmark (14.5%) and Finland (15.6%), to over 35% in six
countries: Latvia (35.3%), Spain (35.8%), Greece (36.7%), Hungary (41.1%), Bulgaria
(45.2%) and Romania (51%).13 Young adults (18-24 years) have also experienced a much
greater rise in the risk than the population as a whole: +3.5% in the period 2008-2014
(see Figure 2).