Main RES technologies and their typical applications

Unlike fossil and nuclear fuels, which have only finite reserves expected to last for tens to hundreds of years, renewable energy sources (RES) are going to be available year after year over a very long timeframe. Moreover, RES generally have lower greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuels, and are therefore expected to play an important role in reaching global climate targets.
RES include:
• biomass from trees and other plants or animal manure;
• hydropower: energy from water flowing from a higher to a lower elevation;
• solar energy, which varies depending on the seasons, time of day and weather;
• wind energy, which varies with the weather;
• geothermal energy;
• wave and tidal energy; and
• waste.
The development of renewable energy sources is a priority for the EU, whose Energy Union strategy includes an objective to make it the world leader in renewable energies.