For the period 2014-2020, the financial envelope allocated to the decommissioning of Ignalina in Lithuania is set at €450.8 million, for the decommissioning of Kozloduy in Bulgaria at €293 million, and for the decommissioning of Bohunice in Slovakia at €225.4 million. Prior to the current MFF period, Lithuania had received €1.37 billion in NDAP support, Bulgaria €850 million, and Slovakia €624 million. By the end of the current MFF, total EU NDAP support for the three countries since 1999 is expected to total approximately €3.8 billion. In the chart below, the first bar cluster combines the final year of the EU’s second ‘Financial Period’ (the predecessor to the EU’s current Multiannual Financial Framework) with the entirety of the third Financial Period. The second and third bar clusters align with the fourth Financial Period and the current Multiannual Financial Framework respectively.