The "Failed States Index" and GDP per capita of g7+ countries (2013)

The infographic combines the ranking of the “Failed States Index” (FSI) for the g7+ countries with GDP per capita. The FSI is produced by the Fund for Peace (FFP), an independent US-based NGO promoting conflict prevention and sustainable security. The index shows the stability of a given country based on a combination of 12 indicators, divided into three groups: social, economic and political and military. Each indicator is scaled from 0-10 and the sum gives the FSI. Therefore, the FSI has a scale between 0 and 120; the higher the number, the less stable the country. The countries are then divided into four groups labelled “alert” (index value between 90.1 and 120), “warning” (60-90), “stable” (30-59.9) and “sustainable” (0-29.9).
The bubble chart shows the place each g7+ country occupies in the global ranking (out of 178 countries), with the position of the bubble giving its GDP per capita. The colour represents the group within the global categorisation to which the country belongs. The pie chart shows how the 178 countries are divided into the four groups.
For comparison, this table shows the most stable countries based on the FSI and their GDP per capita.
Country | Norway | Sweden | Finland
FSI ranking | 176 | 177 | 178
GDP per capita | 66379 | 44349 | 38485