EU flagship programmes reinforced with additional resources

During the MFF negotiations, the European Parliament obtained € 15 billion to reinforce ten EU flagship programmes on top of the amounts agreed by the European Council in July 2020. The top-up will be financed in the following way:
• € 11 billion from a new mechanism linked to the proceeds from competition fines collected by the EU. This mechanism will result in a genuine increase of the MFF ceilings on a yearly basis throughout 2022-2027;
• € 2.5 billion from margins left unallocated within the ceilings set by the European Council in July 2020;
• € 1 billion from reflows from the ACP Investment Facility (European Development Fund);
• € 0.5 billion from decommitted appropriations in the area of research (based on Article 15(3) of the Financial Regulation).