Figure 5 – Frequency and weight of tweets on EU issues

Before looking into the individual issues in detail, it is worthwhile briefly juxtaposing the data collected on the overall number of issues addressed with the average number of tweets on a specific topic. Figure 5 indicates that, in many cases, the topics raised by most EU leaders on average also received a lot of overall attention in their tweets. Topics such as the MFF, interaction with EU leaders and interaction with EU representatives scored highly, while others such as Euro Summits, EU-China Summits and Benelux, scored lower in both respects. For some topics however, there is a difference between frequency and emphasis. In the case of external relations for instance, fewer EU leaders addressed the topic than could have been expected from the total amount of tweets dealing with the issue. Conversely, this means that those who tweeted on this issue, tweeted a lot to achieve such a high average. The same applies for the issue of the V4 (i.e. the four Visegrád countries: Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia), on which only six leaders tweeted, but the average number of tweets is much higher than for many other issues where up to 17 EU Heads of State or Government tweeted.