
As is well known, the Library of the European Parliament organizes various information sessions. One of these is the “EU Information Sources info session”.

Its aim is to provide our clients with basic knowledge on EU information sources which are relevant, useful and interesting for their daily work in the European Parliament.

At the end, and ideally, the customers who follow this training would be able:

  • to find legislative (and other) documents with or without knowing the exact reference of the different EU-documents circulating within the EP
  • to obtain information on the stage of a specific legislative procedure
  • to find relevant EU documents and legislative information on a specific topic and
  • to identify the multiple actors that play a role in a decisional procedure.

An in-depth look is given into the europarl homepage that contains a wealth of sometimes – let’s admit it! – very well hidden information. Customers will learn how to find their way in the numerous document references of official EU documents, which often puzzle even experienced information specialists. The intranet version of the EP is a useful tool to discover this aspect of the information search.

During the session clients will learn what information source is best suited for their needs. They will find out that the best way of finding documents is to go directly to a specific data base. Covered and compared are here the OEIl legislative observatory and PRELEX data bases. Clients will learn how to find their way in the maze of European legislation available on EURLEX. Finally, a short insight is also given in the data sources of the other EU-institutions (with stress on Council and Curia registers). At the end some tips and tricks will be provided to make searching a bit easier and even funnier!

Can’t wait? If you feel sometimes lost and don’t know where to start looking for EU documents, then this training is tailored to your needs! The course takes about 2 hours, it is an interactive course in English and French and is organized regularly in your favourite Library.

You can subscribe to the Library training session on EU info sources here (internal link).