This document explores some of the major trends of the agricultural sec­tor and its role in the economy of the European Union in comparison with other major actors in the world. In particular, it focuses on the position of young farmers in the EU.

It looks at some of the indicators established in the Common Moni­toring and Evaluation Framework, which provides a single framework covering all rural development in­terventions by the EU during the period 2007-2013. It also covers the economic development of the agri­cultural sector, and the educational attainment and age structure of the agricultural labour force. It pays particular attention to the decline in young farmers, despite existing measures of support.

For a thorough analysis of the effects of the CAP in support of young farm­ers, readers may refer to the Euro­pean Parliament Policy Department study, EU measures to encourage and support new entrants.

Read the complete Statistical Spotlight in PDF.