Intelligent Transport System in urban areas
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The urban dimension of EU transport policy is earning more and more attention from the European Commission, given the implications and the strong impact that the transport systems play in the day to day life of the more than 70% of EU citizens living in urban areas. Promotion of sustainable mobility is at the core of EU transport policy, as reaffirmed by the recent Urban Mobility Package presented in December 2013. The Communication Together towards competitive and resource-efficient urban mobility, integrated with an annex and four working documents, puts forward the main elements to to achieve the challenging transition towards a more resource-efficient and seamless urban mobility. The proposed measures strengthen the importance of urban logistics, urban access regulations and intelligent transport systems (ITS)when designing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. Notably, ITS technologies help increase mobility, reduce congestion and cut greenhouse gas emissions. The working document on Mobilising Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for EU cities calls on every administrative level to adopt an integrated ITS approach covering different transport modes and mobility services, tailored to customers´ and market needs. In addition, the document identifies key success factors for ITS implementation together with practical examples of ITS applications: (real-time) multimodal travel and traffic information; traffic management measures; multimodal smart ticketing; ITS tools such as CCTV and ANPR technologies; and new in-vehicle safety and driver assistance systems.

This dosser presents resources on recent ITS developments in urban contexts. It aims at integrating the EPRS Navigator Intelligent transport systems (dating from 2010).


Brussels seeks to co-ordinate urban mobility plans / ENDS Europe, December 2013

Overview of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Developments in and Across Transport Modes / Joint Research Centre, European Commission, 2012, 38 p.
This JRC report represents a quick reference for recent ITS developments in the field on transport and in all transport modes, with a focus on the European dimension.

Intelligent Transport Systems for sustainable mobility / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), 2012, 123 p.
This report, compiled by the UNECE working group on ITS with the active support of the German and Italian Transport Ministries, offers an overview of the ITS deployment and current best practices. Furthermore, it identifies main gaps in and impediments to the broader use and rapid dissemination of ITS applications. The last part of the document explains UNECE road map for a global ITS strategy.

The future of transport in urban areas / Technical University of Catalonia, European Parliament, 2009, 42 p.
This note, requested by the Transport Committee of the European Parliament, presents the most likely measures and concepts that will characterise urban transport in a 2050 scenario.


Connected World – Transforming Travel, Transportation and Supply Chains / World Economic Forum, 2013
The World Economic Forum and the Boston Consulting Group have developed scenarios that provide an industry perspective on how the travel and transportation ecosystem can transform to meet changing customer needs as well as new mobility frontiers and technological developments by 2025 and beyond. The four described scenarios are: IPITA – Integrated Proactive Intermodal Travel Assistant; COMET – Condition-based Megacity Traffic Management; ACIS – Fully Automated Check in, Security and Border Control/ Smart Visa; and TATLO – Tracking- and Transparency-based Logistics Optimizer.

What Cities Want / Technische Universität München; MAN , 2013
This study by the Technical University of Munich, commissioned by MAN Group, provides information on how 15 international cities want to more positively design their urban traffic in the future. Integrated mobility plans, combined transport, ambitious environmental goals as well as rights of way for alternative drive systems: the study provides information on numerous innovative solutions and gives an overview of the diverse strategies for sustainable mobility in cities.

Towards a new transport policy. Intelligence in transport and wisdom in mobility. Finland’s second generation intelligent strategy for transport / Ministry of Transport and Communications, 2013
This document presents Finland’s Second Generation Intelligent Strategy for Transport, built upon the vision, objectives and principles of the 2009 Strategy for Intelligent Transport. The main themes of the Second Generation Intelligent Strategy for Transport are:customer-oriented improvement in the level of service for mobility, transport and information services; furthering the implementation of a new transport policy; fulfilling the objectives set by the EU’s White Paper on Transport and the ITS Directive; exploiting the opportunities provided by the rapid development of information and communications technology.

Technology futures – a horizons scan of transport technologies / TRL Consultancy, 2013
This study, published by TRL Consultancy, carried out a meta-analysis (“review of reviews”) of current technologies that could impact on how transport is provided or used over the next 30 years. It also describes the methodology adopted to carry out this meta-analysis and provides a summary of its findings. The report is downloadable for free upon registration to the website.

Urban transport technology options in urban transport : changing paradigms and promising innovation pathways : final report / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2012, 64 p.
This study was commissioned by the European Parliament Science and Technology Options Assessment Unit. It outlines relevant aspects, pathways, technologies and factors enabling the transition to a more sustainable urban transport system.

Personal data protection and security aspects related to ITS applications / European Commission, 2012
This information source provides a set of case studies presented at the 2012 Workshop on personal data protection and security aspects related to ITS applications. The event focuses on experiences in implementing digital tachographs, e-ticketing solutions, electronic toll collections, and Pay-As-You Drive insurance scheme.

Intelligent Transportation Systems Benefits, Costs, Deployment, and Lessons Learned: 2011 Update , U.S. Department of Transportation, 2011
This report presents information on the performance of deployed IT’S as well as information on the costs, deployment levels, and lessons learned regarding ITS deployment and operations since the last such report in 2008.

Stakeholder views

European Commission
The Urban ITS Expert Group set up in 2010 published in 2013 in-depth guidelines on deployment of three key applications of urban ITS: travel information, traffic management (including urban logistics) and smart ticketing.

4th Conference on Intelligent Transport in Europe, Brussels, December 2013.
The sessions focused on major ITS developments; seamless travel and cooperative ITS. Summary report.

Overview of studies on ITS commissioned by the European Commission.

European Parliament
European Parliament resolution of 10 September 2013 on promoting a European transport-technology strategy for Europe’s future sustainable mobility

Parliamentary question on Transposition of Directive 2010/40/EU and use of intelligent transport systems in the Member States, Philippe De Backer (ALDE), August 2013

Parliamentary question on Intelligent Speed Adaptation, Ivo Belet (PPE), May 2013

Parliamentary question on Development of the European interoperable toll system and other intelligent transport systems, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE), February 2013

Parliamentary question on Action to promote Intelligent Speed Assistance technologies, Inés Ayala Sender (S&D), March 2012

Other stakeholders

POLIS Network
Research/cooperation needs for urban and regional network management and ITS. This position paper illustrates needs of local authorities (cities and regions) for research, cooperation and knowledge sharing and transfer in the area of transport network management and ITS.

EUROCITIES Statement on Urban ITS and European multi-modal travel planning and information services. EUROCITIES urge the Commission to follow some recommendations on how to use urban ITS as a means of switching from the private car towards more sustainable modes of transport, including public transport, walking and cycling.

Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations
FEMA position paper on Intelligent Transport Systems. FEMA generally welcomes the introduction of ITS applications aimed at improving road safety, provided that the safety, freedom of movement and freedom of choice of the millions of powered two-wheeler users in Europe are also taken into consideration and ensured.

European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (EMTA)
EMTA position ITF-summit “Transport for a Changing World” acknowledges the role that new technologies and notably ITS tools can play in making the “first and last mile” services and interconnectivity effective, economically viable and environmentally sustainable.

Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA)
ITS essential for meeting safe, sustainable and seamless mobility goals in Europe

EU programmes and projects

Thematic Research Summary Urban transport / European Commission, 2013, 57 p.
This publication gathers the results of EU-supported transport research. Case studies on smart solutions for urban transport include ITS applications; advanced mobility; next generation public transport; and innovation in city logistics.

TRIP Database list (search criteria: Intelligent Transportation Systems and Urban Transport mode). To enlarge the scope of the projects research, you can remove/modify some of the criteria.