Logo AskEP Topics and LinksWhat did the European Parliament decide regarding tobacco products and e-cigarettes? How does the European Parliament react to the Swiss referendum on introducing immigration quotas for EU citizens?

Answers to these questions or other citizens’ concerns can be found by consulting our selection of links below.

The following topics are based on questions and comments from citizens writing to the European Parliament.

Swiss referendum on immigration

The outcome of the referendum in Switzerland on immigration quotas has generated diverging comments from citizens. Some called upon the Parliament to defend the free movement of EU citizens; others asked the EU to take the Swiss approach as an example for EU immigration policy.

Swiss referendum on immigration
© niroworld / Fotolia

The following links will guide you to the relevant information:

EU cannot accept cherry-picking by Switzerland (25-02-2014)

Switzerland votes ‘against mass immigration’: How can the EU respond? (13-02-2014)

EPRS: Référendum en Suisse: “Contre l’immigration de masse” : votation populaire du 09 février 2014 (14-02-2014)

EP President Schulz on Swiss referendum on immigration (10-02-2014)

Declaration of the European Commission following the popular vote in Switzerland on the “mass immigration” initiative (09-02-2014)

Any questions on this issue or another EP-related concern? Please use our web form. You write, we answer.

Crisis in Ukraine

In light of the renewed violence and deaths of protesters and police, and the challenging period ahead of Ukraine’s new government, citizens continue writing to the Parliament. Many still plea for the EU to help, whilst others are sceptical about EU intervention in Ukrainian affairs.

The following links will guide you to the relevant information:

Ukraine: MEPs urge EU to help financial rescue, but enact targeted sanctions too (27-02-2014)

President Schulz endorses the “European perspective of Ukraine” (27-02-2014)

Schulz on Ukraine: Further bloodshed must be avoided at all costs (19-02-2104)

Resolution on the situation in Ukraine (27-02-2014)

European Commission’s support to Ukraine (05-03-2014)

Any questions on this issue or another EP-related concern? Please use our web form. You write, we answer.

EU-US trade agreement (TTIP / TAFTA)

EU-US trade agreement (TTIP / TAFTA)
© pixs:sell / Fotolia

The negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) continue to worry citizens. Citizens demand the Parliament to ensure transparent negotiations and to preserve European consumer and environment standards. They expressed particular worries about an investor-state dispute settlement scheme and questioned the benefits of the planned agreement.

The following links will guide you to the relevant information:

EP answer: EU-US trade agreement, TTIP / TAFTA (23-01-2014)

EPRS: Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) State of play and prospects for reform (21-01-2014)

President Schulz’ speech at the American Chamber of Commerce on EU-US relations (16-10-13)

European Commission’s website on the TTIP negotiations

Commission to consult European public on provisions in EU-US trade deal on investment and investor-state dispute settlement (21-01-2014)

Any questions on this issue or another EP-related concern? Please use our web form. You write, we answer.

Knesset speech by Martin Schulz

Martin Schulz, the President of the European Parliament, delivered a speech to the Knesset, the parliament of Israel, on 12 February 2014. This speech, which received significant media attention, triggered citizens to send comments and express their own views on the issues addressed by President Schulz, in particular the water scarcity and Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories.

The following links will guide you to the relevant information:

Speech to the Knesset, 12 February 2014 by Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament

European Parliament resolution of 23 October 2013 on the European Neighbourhood Policy: towards a strengthening of the partnership (see sections “Israel” and “Palestine”)

Any questions on this issue or another EP-related concern? Please use our web form. You write, we answer.

E-cigarettes and tobacco products

New rules on electronic cigarettes
© Gianluca Rasile / Fotolia

The vote on the proposed directive on tobacco and related products spurred consumers of electronic cigarettes to write to the European Parliament. In fact, many citizens voiced their concern about the scientific evidence on which the rules applied to e-cigarettes were based. Some ex-smokers indicated as a possible consequence of these stronger regulations that e-cigarettes consumers would start using tobacco again.

The following links will guide you to the relevant information:

EP answer: New rules on electronic cigarettes (11 March 2014)

Tobacco Directive: Parliament approves plans to deter young people from smoking (26-02-2014)

Directive Tobacco and related products: manufacture, presentation and sale (26-02-2014)

Proceedings on the Workshop “Electronic Cigarettes” (Brussels, 7 May 2013)

European Commission: Questions & Answers: New rules for tobacco products (26-02-2014)

Any questions on this issue or another EP-related concern? Please use our web form. You write, we answer.