Updated on 05 February 2015
Written by Marcin Grajewski

Greece’s new government, led by the election-winning, anti-austerity Syriza party is trying to convince euro area partners to offer the country more debt relief that would allow it to ease austerity and bolster economic growth. The charm offensive in European capitals of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has so far produced mixed results, leading to fresh turmoil on financial markets. Following are comments, reports and studies on Greece and the euro area from major international think tanks and other research institutes.


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ECB collateral damages on Greece. Bruegel, February 5, 2015

A Greek way out? Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), February 5, 2015

A major step towards a Greek compromise. Bruegel, February 3, 2015

Can Greece become competitive overnight? Bruegel, February 3, 2015

Greece and the euro area need a deal within days, not months. Bruegel, February 2, 2015

Greece’s problem: Persistent fiscal irresponsibility and too few reforms
Peterson Institute for International Economics, January 29, 2015

Who’s (still) exposed to Greece? Bruegel, January 29, 2015

Syriza’s call for sovereignty: hopes and illusions. Egmont, January 29, 2015

Understanding the German approach towards Greece. Centre for European Reform (CER), January 27

In Greece, it’s not the economy, stupid! Carnagie Europe, January 27, 2015

Retaking the Greek test. Bruegel, January 26, 2015

The implications of Syriza’s victory. Centre for European Reform (CER), January 26, 2015

Greece: Let’s make a deal? Council on Foreign Relations, January 26, 2015

Could Syriza’s win really herald Europe’s move to a softer form of austerity?
Centre for European Reform (CER), January 26

Greek election outcome may stoke tensions in Europe. Atlantic Council, January 26, 2015

Greece has chosen, but it doesn’t get to decide by itself.
Peterson Institute for International Economics, January 26, 2015

Alexis Tsipras’s New Greece. Carnagie Europe, January 26, 2015

Three consequences of Syriza’s victory. Brookings Institution, January 26, 2015

Grexit 2015: A primer. Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), January 22, 2015


The Cost of Servicing Greece’s Debt: A Sisyphean task?
Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), February 4, 2015

Greece at a glance. Policies for a sustainable recovery. OECD, 2014

Measurement and reduction of administrative burdens in Greece. OECD, 2014

Why is the Greek economy collapsing? Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), December 21, 2012

The Greek debt trap: an escape plan. Bruegel, November 9, 2012

Greece: How a state in crisis manages its migration crisis
Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IRFI), March, 2012

Related studies

Strengthening Europe’s economies after the crisis. Bertelsmann Stiftung, January, 2015

Austerity and poverty in the European Union. Bruegel, September 15, 2014

Eurozone sovereign debt restructuring is unavoidable
Madariaga – College of Europe Foundation, June, 2014

EU-IMF assistance to euro area countries: an early assessment. Bruegel, June 17, 2013

What political lessons should we learn from the troika experience. Notre Europe, June 12, 2014

How to finish the euro house. Centre for European Reform (CER), June, 2014

The eurozone is no place for poor countries. Centre for European Reform (CER), June 27, 2014

The Troika and financial assistance in the euro area: successes and failures. Bruegel, February 19, 2014