Written by Richard Freedman,

In the second episode of a series of podcasts on science and technology, in June 2016, we touched on the provocative topic what if our shopping was delivered by drones? With drones becoming more common place and affordable, the list of tasks they could fulfil is only getting bigger! Discover with us some of the incredible ways in which drones are overcoming their bad reputation and finding a place in our societies.

Listen to the Science and Technology topic what if our shopping was delivered by drones? [Science and Technology podcast]
[youtube= https://youtu.be/Q7Z6wlxy8rw&w=640&h=389]

The customary Plenary podcasts of June 2016 touched on EU Space Policy and The safety of nuclear installations in Belarus.

EU Space Policy

Space applications have never been so down to Earth… today, thanks to satellites orbiting thousands of kilometres above our heads, we can see when our bus will come, detect forest fires and even predict the course of a typhoon! But with an increasing number of countries getting access to space, the EU better make sure its space strategy is fit for the future! From conducting search and rescue operations to monitoring sea borders and the state of agricultural crops, it has all been made easier thanks to data from satellites. Europe’s space initiatives are helping to create new opportunities for European companies as well as making it easier to protect people. Read a glossary of terms related to the EU’s space policy.

Listen to the Plenary podcast EU Space Policy [Plenary podcast]

[youtube= https://youtu.be/X4iyu_3Yyxg&w=640&h=389]

The safety of nuclear installations in Belarus

Set aside for decades, Belarus is about to realise its nuclear power aspirations with the help of Moscow. But Chernobyl’s painful memories and concerns over safety mean the EU will have to remain vigilant. Following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident, the European Council in March 2011 requested stress tests of all EU nuclear power plants (NPP). In this context, Belarus agreed to conduct nuclear reactor stress tests for its future NPP, using the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group model.

Listen to the Plenary podcast on The Safety of nuclear installation in Belarus [Plenary podcast]

[youtube= https://youtu.be/qag8S8MgMc4&w=640&h=389]


The longer Policy podcasts of June 2016 highlighted Intergovernmental agreements in the field of energy and the post 2020 challenges for the EU cohesion policy.

Intergovernmental agreements in the field of energy

To ensure the smooth functioning of the EU’s internal energy market, individual EU countries negotiating energy agreements with third countries must ensure these deals comply with EU law. But in February 2016, the European Commission proposed an update to the current rules.

Listen to the Policy Podcast on Intergovernmental agreements in the field of energy [Policy podcast]

[youtube= https://youtu.be/-DaVgxw3kV0&w=640&h=389]

The post 2020 challenges for the EU cohesion policy

Taking over one-third of the Union’s budget, cohesion policy is one of the EU’s main investment tool, and one with one of the greatest impacts. It has helped less well-off regions catch up with the rest, create growth and jobs across Europe. But could it be more effective?

Listen to the Policy Podcast on The post 2020 challenges for the EU cohesion policy [Policy podcast]

[youtube= https://youtu.be/M90P_VpkcXI&w=640&h=389]