Written by Marcin Grajewski,

US flag 2016
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The United States choose their next president on 8 November, with implications for international relations, security, trade and fight against climate change. The vote follows an acrimonious campaign, which analysts say points to a deeply divided nation on issues such as the US international role, immigration, social protection, taxation as well as trade and industrial policies.

This note offers links to recent commentaries and reports published by major international think tanks and other research centres on the US elections.

The most important non-issue in the 2016 campaign
Brookings Institution, November 2016

U.S. domestic politics and the future of primacy
German Marshall Fund, November 2016

US presidential election: What scenarios for the world after Obama?
Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, October 2016

Compare the candidates
Council on Foreign Relations, October 2016

Read also our Topical Digest on
US Politics and Transatlantic Relations

The pivotal role of the next U.S. administration in delivering global climate action
Brookings Institution, October 2016

Preparing the next president
Center for a New American Security, October 2016

US election note: Energy and climate policy after 2016
Chatham House, October 2016

The presidential campaign and the future of US trade policy: Implications for transatlantic relations
European Policy Centre, October 2016

US leadership in global education: The time is now
Brookings Institution, October 2016

Serious and existential: The Clinton and Trump challenges to Transatlantic relations
Instituto Affari Internazionali, October 2016

The new US President: Implications for the Middle East and North Africa
Instituto Affari Internazionali, October 2016

A framework for U.S. policy toward China
Brookings Institution, October 2016

The future of U.S.-China trade ties
Brookings Institution, October 2016

Presidential candidates dodge debt elephant in the room, again
Bipartisan Policy Center, October 2016

US election note: Middle East policy after 2016
Chatham House, October 2016

US election note: Defence policy after 2016
Chatham House, October 2016

Trump and trade: At least partially right
Center for Economic and Policy Research, October 2016

6 charts that show where Clinton and Trump supporters differ
Pew Research Centre, October 2016

Inequality defines the American election
Chatham House, October 2016

There’s plenty wrong with our political system, but the election’s not “rigged”
Cato Institute, October 2016

The role of the Latino vote in the 2016 US elections
Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, October 2016

Clinton pulls away, and Trump chases
Real Instituto Elcano, October 2016

For many Americans, Election Day is already here
Pew Research Centre, October 2016

In presidential contest, voters say ‘basic facts,’ not just policies, are in dispute
Pew Research Centre, October 2016

Hoover Institution’s papers on elections
Hoover Institution, October 2016

Aspen Institute’s papers on elections
Aspen Institute, October 2016

Hillary Clinton’s unexceptional exceptionalism
German Marshall Fund, September 2016

U.S. leadership and the challenge of state fragility
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, September 2016

Assessing trade agendas in the US presidential campaign
Peterson Institute for International Economics, September 2016

The unflagging U.S. commitment to NATO
Carnegie Europe, September 2016

Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and the economy
Center for Economic and Policy Research, September 2016

Fragile states and the next president: What Washington should do
Carnegie Europe, September 2016

Iraq: A policy proposal for the next administration
Brookings Institution, September 2016

America’s role in a turbulent world
Brookings Institution, September 2016

Exploring US engagement in the Middle East
Atlantic Council, September 2015

Trump’s outdated trade policy
Clingendael, September 2016

Trump et l’électorat populaire blanc
Institut français des relations internationales, September 2016

Clinton and Trump: Two faces of American nationalism
International Institute for Strategic Studies, September 2016

Information warfare and the US presidential election
International Institute for Strategic Studies, September 2016

Could the US elections in 2016 bring the end of asset price inflation?
Hudson Institute, August 2016

Our current political order is on the verge of collapse
Institute for Policy Studies, August 2016

Thank Trump for his message about defence
Clingendael, August 2016

US foreign policy after the 2016 elections
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, July 2016

Our foreign policy choices: Rethinking America’s global role
Cato Institute, July 2016

America first
Clingendael, July 2016

Trump is simply the end product: The polarisation of US politics is the culmination of long-term trends
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, July 2016

US election note: Economic policy after 2016
Chatham House, June 2016

États-Unis: Les nominations à la Cour suprême, enjeu des élections de 2016
Institut français des relations internationales, July 2016

After rebalance: Visions for the future of US foreign policy and global role beyond 2016
Finnish Institute of International Affairs, June 2015

US election note: China policy after 2016
Chatham House, May 2016

US election note: Russia policy after 2016
Chatham House, April 2016