Written by Marcin Grajewski,

Since the 2008 financial crunch and the ensuing recession, the European Union has been overhauling its regulation of financial markets to try to avoid any repetition of the crisis and to shore up economic growth. The current European Commission has prioritised the creation of Capital Markets Union, which would encourage companies to invest and create jobs by making it easier for them to raise funds on stock and bond markets. The Commission’s Action Plan on Building a Capital Markets Union includes 33 actions and related measures, which aim to put in place the building-blocks of an integrated capital market within the EU by 2019.

This note offers links to a selection of recent commentaries, studies and reports, from some of the major international think tanks and research institutes, which discuss the Capital Markets Union and related reforms.  Some older papers on the topic can be found in a previous edition of ‘What Think tanks are Thinking.’

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Future of the Capital Markets Union after Brexit
Jacques Delors Institute – Berlin, December 2016

European insurance union and how to get there
Bruegel, December 2016

The EU’s Capital Markets Union: Unlocking investment through gradual integration
Atlantic Council, November 2016

Quelle place pour les marchés financiers en Europe
Bruegel, November 2016

Towards the right policy mix for a thriving European Capital Market
Centre for European Policy Studies, November 2016

Stealing London’s financial crown would bring both benefits and responsibilities
Bruegel, November 2016

Towards a better European securitisation market
European Capital Markets Institute, Centre for European Policy Studies, November 2016

Eliminating the cost of non-Europe in capital markets
European Capital Markets Institute, Centre for European Policy Studies, November 2016

Financial market fragmentation in the euro area: State of play
Jacques Delors Institute – Berlin, November 2016

How to deal with the resolution of financial market infrastructures
Centre for European Policy Studies, October 2016

The state of the Capital Markets Union: Has it delivered on sustainability?
E3G, October 2016

Capital markets union and the threat of the regulatory competition
Foundation for European Progressive Studies, September 2016

Securitisation to the rescue
Foundation for European Progressive Studies, September 2016

The IMF’s role in the euro-area crisis: Financial sector aspects
Bruegel, September 2016

SME financing in a Capital Markets Union
Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, May 2016

SME financing in the EU: Moving beyond one-size-fits-all
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln, April 2016

The United States dominate global investment banking: Does it matter for Europe?
Bruegel, March 2016

Inequality, financialisation and credit booms: A model of two crises
LUISS School of European Political Economy, February 2016

Which union for Europe’s capital markets?
European Capital Markets Institute, Centre for European Policy Studies, February 2016

Europe’s untapped capital market: Rethinking financial integration after the crisis
Centre for European Policy Studies, February 2016

The intended and unintended consequences of financial-market regulations: A general equilibrium analysis
Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe, January 2016

Capital Markets Union and STS Securitisation
Finance Watch, December 2015

Future-proofing the EU Capital Markets Union
E3G, October 2015

Capital Markets Union: A work in progress
Egmont, September 2015

The Capital Markets Union: Supporting the European project and the revival of investment
Fondation Robert Schuman, September 2015

A Capital Markets Union for Europe: The relevance of banks and markets
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln, July 2015