Written by Marcin Grajewski,

A volumetric map of China on the flag. 3d rendering.
© rommma / Fotolia

The National People’s Congress has recently confirmed Xi Jinping as China’s President, along with several appointments of his allies to top state jobs. It has also approved amendments to China’s Constitution which, in particular, abolish the limit of two five-year terms for the office of the President, prompting concerns that the country is moving towards a more autocratic system. These decisions have cemented Xi’s grip on power in a country that plays an increasingly important role in the global economy as well as in security and foreign affairs. Analysts say that China’s growing assertiveness poses a challenge to the United States, whose policies are becoming increasing unpredictable, and to other international actors.

This note offers links to recent commentaries, studies and reports from major international think tanks on China, its ties with the EU and related issues. More studies on the topics can be found in a previous edition of ‘What Think Tanks are thinking’ published in June, 2017.

EU-China relations

The Indo-Pacific: A passage to Europe?
European Union Institute for Security Studies, March 2018

Europe, Japan and a rising China: Policies and prospects
Instituto Affari Internazionali, February 2018

Dancing with the bear: Macron in China
European Council on Foreign Relations, January 2018

Macron gets the timing right in China as energetic standard-bearer for Europe
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, January 2016

China at the gates: A new power audit of EU-China relations
European Council on Foreign Relations, December 2017

Chinese investment in Europe: A country-level approach
Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Institut français des relations internationales, Real Instituto Elcano, Mercator Institute for China Studies, December 2017

Digital infrastructure: Overcoming the digital divide in China and the European Union
Centre for European Policy Studies, November 2017

An uphill struggle? Towards coordinated EU engagement with China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Egmont, November 2017

EU-China relations in the era of Donald Trump
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, November 2017

Trump and China Boost EU–India relationship
German Marshall Fund, October 2017

The good, the bad and the ugly: Chinese influence in the Western Balkans
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, October 2017

EU–China economic relations to 2025: Building a common future
Bruegel, September 2017

China in the Balkans: The battle of principles
European Council on Foreign Relations, July 2017

Transatlantic troubles and the EU’s pivot toward Asia
Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, July 2017

China’s Belt & Road Initiative: Nice for China, not for Europe
Clingendael, July 2017

Xi’s growing power

Reading the tea leaves on China’s constitutional amendments
Bruegel, March 2018

China’s new top government leaders
Brookings Institution, March 2018

The Chinese Communist Party
Council on Foreign Relations, March 2018

All that Xi Wants: China’s Communist Party is trying to reform the country from the top down
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, March 2018

China: More authoritarianism, more uncertainty
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, March 2018

In China, the dawn of the Xi dynasty?
Atlantic Council, February 2018

China is likely to enter another long period of severe dictatorship
Council on Foreign Relations, February 2018

Xi’s rule for life: What does our anxiety reveal?
European Council on Foreign Relations, February 2018

China’s “New Era” with Xi Jinping characteristics
European Council on Foreign Relations, December 2017

China: All the president’s men
European Council on Foreign Relations, October 2017

China’s new Politburo and Politburo Standing Committee
Brookings Institution, October 2017

Foreign relations and security

Will Trump make China great again? The belt and road initiative and international order
Chatham House, March 2018

Dynamism hallmark of China-Russia relations
Carnegie Moscow, March 2018

US allies aren’t buying its new strategies to confront China
Chatham House, February 2018

U.S. policy toward China: Dumping the baby, the bathwater, and the tub
Council on Foreign Relations, February 2018

Power and influence in a globalized world
Atlantic Council, February 2018

China has big plans to win the next war it fights
Rand Corporation, February 2018

The competition for status could increase the risk of a military clash in Asia
Rand Corporation, February 2018

China’s endgame: The path towards global leadership
Rand Corporation, February 2018

The US–Chinese power shift and the end of the Pax Americana
Chatham House, January 2018

US–China relations and the liberal world order: Contending elites, colliding visions?
Chatham House, January 2018

Exploring the links between Chinese foreign policy and humanitarian action: Multiple interests, processes and actors
Overseas Development Institute, January 2018

Geostrategic and military drivers and implications of the Belt and Road Initiative
Council on Foreign Relations, January 2018

The Belt and Road Initiative aka: One belt one road scheme
Observer Research Foundation, January 2018

Defence industries in Russia and China: Players and strategies
European Union Institute for Security Studies, December 2017

No longer a new kid on the block: China in the Middle East
Centre for European Policy Studies, November 2017

Movement on the Silk Road
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, November 2017

China at the dawn of a new era? The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party
Institute for National Security Studies, November 2017

Les Etats-Unis face à la Chine, de Henry Kissinger à Donald Trump
Institut français des relations internationales, OCP Policy Center, November 2017

Grand designs: Does China have a ‘grand strategy’?
European Council on Foreign Relations, October 2017

Xi transforms the PLA: How the military is being adapted to China’s changing global position
Polish Institute of International Affairs, October 2017

Lächelnder Hegemon?
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, October 2017

The four traps China may fall into
Council on Foreign Relations, October 2017

Chinese futures: Horizon 2025
European Union Institute for Security Studies, July 2017

China, Liu Xiaobo and the new reality of human rights
Chatham house, July 2017

A warning shot for Xi and Trump
Clingendael, July 2017

Trade and economy

China’s “matryoshka” approach for debt-to-equity swaps could be good for banks, but bad for investors
Bruegel, March 2018

What’s at stake in Trump’s looming trade war with China
Peterson Institute for International Economics, February 2018

New Chinese agency could undercut other anti-corruption efforts
Brookings Institution, March 2018

Dollar doubts? Bet on the euro before the renminbi
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, March 2018

Trump’s tariffs risk harm to allies, cede leadership to China
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, March 2018

China’s economy is not normal. It doesn’t have to be
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, March 2018

A Chinese puzzle: Why economic “reform” in Xi’s China has more meanings than market liberalization
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, February 2018

How to avert a trade war with China
Brookings Institution, February 2018

Global competition and the rise of China
Peterson Institute for International Economics, February 2018

Why Beijing should dump its debt
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, January 2016

China fails to woo U.S. with financial sector opening
Bruegel, January 2018

China needs better credit data to help consumers
Peterson Institute for International Economics, January 2018

China, the innovation dragon
Peterson Institute for International Economics, January 2018

Meeting the China challenge: Responding to China’s managed economy
Center for Strategic and International Studies, January 2018

Chinese banks’ improved asset quality cannot hide other phantoms
Bruegel, December 2017

Writing new rules for the US-China investment relationship
Council on Foreign Relations, December 2017

China will be crucial to creating a global circular economy
Chatham House, December 2017

The scorecard on development, 1960–2016: China and the global economic rebound
Center for Economic and Policy Research, October 2017

Is China deleveraging? Too early to cheer
Bruegel, September 2017

Why China is cracking down on cryptocurrencies and ICOs
Peterson Institute for International Economics, September 2017

Globally, more name U.S. than China as world’s leading economic power but balance shifts in eyes of some key U.S. trading partners and allies
Pew Research Center, July 2017

China is the world’s new science and technology powerhouse
Bruegel, August 2017

Read this briefing on ‘China‘ on the Think Tank pages of the European Parliament.