The European Parliament Library blog becomes the European Parliamentary Research Service blog

European Parliamentary Research ServiceThe holiday season is traditionally the time for peaceful reflection and hopes for the future. This year, things are a bit more exciting for us, as the season brings some significant changes. The European Parliament is establishing a European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) – our so-called EP Think Tank, which will offer the best available research and analytical support to Members of the European Parliament, their staff, parliamentary committees and, of course, to you!

This new Research Service, of which the Library is now part, will continue to bring you research and analysis via social media, only now we will building up to a much wider range of products and services.

What will change?

Not much in the way you interact with us. We will change our name on social media channels, but you should not need to reconnect. You can already see this – our blog domain changed to – but don’t worry, the links still work correctly. In the next few days, we will also update our Twitter handle and Facebook page name. Both will reflect our new “EPThinkTank” syntax.

In the next few weeks and months, we will start to bring you new research and analytical products, such as EP impact assessment, in-depth analyses on EU policies, and a graphic warehouse.

And beyond that? We will bringing you all you need to know about the forthcoming European elections, and the new parliament that takes office on 1st July 2014.