This video clip ‘Food Eco-Footprint’ explains how our food eco-footprint is the consequence of the food we eat, and how it is produced and the rate by which it is consumed, which also creates an interconnection between food consumption and climate change.

In its broadest sense an eco-footprint represents the amount of land and water it takes to provide the resources required to sustain a person’s consumption levels, and re-absorb the associated waste.

One of the major societal contributions to our eco-footprint is our production and consumption of food. An increased knowledge of these issues allows for a more informed decision making process, which has the possibility to help strengthen food security through the endorsement of both sustainable producer and consumer behavior.

This short film was created in collaboration between the European Parliament’s Audio Visual Services and STOA, the Science and Technology Options Assessment section of the newly formed European Parliament Research Services, with research assistance from the European Parliament’s Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).

This video clip was created on the occasion of the STOA event ‘How to feed the world in 2050?‘, held at the European Parliament in Brussels on 4 December 2013.