Written by Clare Ferguson

On Tuesday, 3 March, the EPRS Library will hold a special event to introduce its dedicated website on ‘100 Books on Europe to Remember‘. The roundtable discussion on the rich intellectual heritage available to Europeans today will examine the intellectual legacy of the many influential figures who have shaped the process of post-war European integration.

The ‘100 books’ website was the brainchild of Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, and Parliament’s Secretary-General Klaus Welle. Its aim is to facilitate public access to a selection of literary works which have made a significant contribution to the process or understanding of European integration. Of course, as the European project continues, the selection of works has grown to 125 books and pamphlets, and is still growing. The site includes articles and speeches as well as books, and takes into account a vast geographical, linguistic and intellectual spectrum of ideas, spanning the entire period of post-war European integration.

In facilitating public access to this comprehensive selection of academic, intellectual and political works, the site hopes to inspire future thinking, beyond traditional boundaries, and to contribute to the future development of the European ideal.

The event will be the ideal opportunity for a lively debate on the future of the European political process, and the continuing relevance of many of the ideas expressed in the works included in the ‘100 books’. The EPRS will welcome a distinguished panel of authors, including Joseph Weiler, President of the European University Institute, Kevin Featherstone, Professor of European Politics, at the London School of Economics (LSE), Béatrice Taulègne, who is Deputy Director of the Committee of the Regions, and Luuk van Middelaar, political philosopher and Adviser to Herman Van Rompuy and Donald Tusk.

100 Books on Europe to Remember
100 Books on Europe to Remember