Written by Marcin Grajewski

The European Commission launched a blueprint on 25 February for an Energy Union that would  ensure the free flow of gas and electricity across the European Union, diversify energy supply and move the bloc towards a low carbon economy in what is hoped to be a major shake-up aimed to create growth, job and enhance security.

Presenting its Energy Union Strategy, one of ten priority projects of President Jean-Claude Juncker, the Commission said it wanted to improve energy infrastructure to better share supplies and integrate renewables, end regulated pricing, increase the number of liquefied natural gas terminals and enforce existing law on competition. Energy efficiency in buildings and transport, as well as smart grids, should help keep energy demand from outpacing supplies. Research and innovation should make Europe a world leader in clean energy technologies. EU heads of state and government are due to discuss the energy union at their meeting on 19-20 March.

This note offers links to a selection of recent commentaries, studies and reports, authored by some of the major international think tanks and research institutes, which discuss the prospects for, and ways to create, a single energy market within the European Union.


Energy Union: What think tanks are thinking
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EU’s quest for energy security – What role for the Energy Union?

European Policy Centre (EPC), 3 March 2015

La sécurité énergétique européenne et les relations extérieures de l’Union et des pays membres

Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI), March 2, 2015

To secure Europe’s energy, build a market and integrate Ukraine  Atlantic Council, March 3, 2015

The Commission’s energy union ‘strategy’: A rebranded work programme

Centre for European Reform (CER), February 27, 2015

De la Communauté européenne de l’énergie à l’Union de l’énergie  Notre Europe, February 25, 2015

Memo: A Washington view on Europe’s energy union  German Marshall Fund, February 12, 2015

Europe’s energy security – is the Energy Union the answer?  European Policy Centre (EPC), January 28, 2015

 Energy Union: Can Europe learn from Japan’s joint gas purchasing?

Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), December 11, 2014

Should the EU have an Energy Union?  Carnegie Europe, December 10, 2014

What should an energy union cover?  Centre for European Reform (CER), November 27, 2014

Analyses and studies:

Energy, a networked Europe  Robert Schuman Foundation, March 2, 2015

Revisiting energy security in turbulent times  Egmont, Madariaga, IFRI, January 28, 2015

From the European Energy Community to the Energy Union – A new policy proposal

Notre Europe, January 27, 2015

Energy Union in focus: Five reasons why the end of South Stream should mark the beginning of Energy Union in the EU  Martens Centre, December 16, 2014

#EnergyManifesto: A New Energy Policy for the New European Commission?

Jean-Michel Glachant, European University Institute (EUI), 2015

Making the most of Energy Union  Centre for European Policy Studies, December 16, 2014

Elements of Europe’s energy union  Bruegel, September 10, 2015

Bolstering European energy security  German Marshall Fund, June 10, 2014

Related publications:

Russian gas stream or dream?  Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), February 2, 2015

Russia, Ukraine, and U.S. policy options  Center for Strategic and International Studies, January 29, 2015

Deep decarbonization in Germany: A macro-analysis of economic and political challenges of the ‘Energiewende’  DIW, January, 2015 

The declared end of South Stream and why nobody seems to care

Centre for European Policy Studies, December 5, 2014

Energy Policies of IEA Countries: European Union 2014 Review

International Energy Agency (IEA), December 2014 

EP publications:

Energy supply in the EU28

Members’ Research Service, European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), June 2014

EU energy governance for the future   Policy Department A, January 2015

The cost of non-Europe in the Single Market for energy   European Added Value Unit, EPRS, June 2013

The EU’s energy security made urgent by the Crimean crisis  Policy Department, DG EXPO, 2014.

Read this At a glance on Energy Union: What think tanks are thinking in PDF