Written by Marcin Grajewski,

European Union High Resolution Banks Concept
Fotolia – © xtock

European banks have come under the spotlight once again, as the unusual volatility of their share prices has raised question-marks about their health in a changing regulatory environment and about the sustainability of the euro area’s economic recovery more generally.

Euro-area banks have had to adapt to new resolution rules, which fully took effect this year as part of EU efforts to create a Banking Union, having previously had to meet stricter capital requirements. Apart from having to operate in the context of a global economic slowdown, banks have also been affected by the European Central Bank’s negative interest rates policy.

This note offers links to recent commentaries, studies and reports from major international think tanks on problems faced by European banks and recent efforts to reform the sector.

Market turbulence highlights bumpy transition to Europe’s new bank policy regime
Bruegel, March 2016

Banking crisis yet again and how to fix it
LUISS School of European Political Economy, February 2016

The United States dominates global investment banking: Does it matter for Europe
Bruegel, March 2016

The negative rates club
Centre for European Policy Studies, February 2016

Should the ‘outs’ join the European banking union?
Bruegel, February 2016

European bank resolution: Making it work!
Centre for European Policy Studies, January 2016

Getting euro zone deposit insurance right promises benefits
Bruegel, January 2016

The intended and unintended consequences of financial-market regulations: A general equilibrium analysis
Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe, January 2016

The role of banks in the recent Italo-German dispute
LUISS School of European Political Economy, January 2016

Banking business models monitor 2015: Europe
Alphonse and Dorimène Desjardins International Institute for Cooperatives, International Research Centre on Cooperative Finance, January 2016

The state dependent impact of bank exposure on sovereign risk
Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, January 2016

Banking banana skins 2015: The CSFI survey of bank risk. Recovery under threat
Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation, December 2015

Banking Union as a shock absorber: Lessons for the euro zone from the US
Centre for European Policy Studies, December 2015

Non-performing loans in Italy and selected European countries
Bruegel, December 2015

Will the Single Resolution Fund be a ‘baby tiger’ during the transition?
Centre for European Policy Studies, December 2015

Completing the Banking Union: Deposit insurance
Centre for European Policy Studies, December 2015

Interbank funding as insurance mechanism for (persistent) liquidity shocks
Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe, November 2015

Firmer foundations for a stronger European Banking Union
Bruegel, November 2015

The great financial plumbing: From Northern Rock to Banking Union
Centre for European Policy Studies, October 2015

The interplay between the EBA and the Banking Union
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, October 2015

Diversity of the banking sector revisited: Why does it matter post-financial crisis?
International Research Centre on Cooperative Finance, September 2015

Euro area banks remain vulnerable
Bruegel, August 2015

A Capital Markets Union for Europe: The relevance of banks and markets
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln, July 2015