Written by Christiaan Van Lierop,

EuropeanWeek regions and CitiesThe European Parliamentary Service is associated with this year’s European Week of Regions and Cities, the world’s largest annual event on local and regional development. As in previous years, the EPRS has published a special compendium of briefings to tie in with the event, which explores some of the main themes covered by the 2017 EWRC. But our participation in the 2017 European Week of Regions and Cities doesn’t end there. Our motto is ‘Empowering through knowledge’, which is why – for a second year – we are organising a special workshop as part of the EWRC’s masterclass on EU cohesion policy, a week-long series of seminars and events for PhD students and early career regional policy researchers.

Today’s workshop will discuss how the European Parliament uses research on cohesion and regional policy in its work and in the policy-making process, giving students the opportunity to interact directly with EP experts in the field of cohesion policy. Indeed, one of the highlights of the workshop will be a series of group discussions on how research can contribute to the debate in three areas of interest linked directly to the themes of the 2017 masterclass.

In addition, to help you successfully prepare for this week’s events, the EPRS has matched some of our key publications to a selection of today’s workshops, providing you with all the information you need. To find out more, just click on the links below!

If you are planning to attend the workshop on The contribution of social enterprises to cohesion and resilience in cities and regions, be sure to consult our briefing on EU support for social entrepreneurs. A must-read for participants at the workshop on What role for EUSALP in future?, The EU strategy for the Alpine Region offers a comprehensive guide to one of the EU’s four macro-regional strategies, with the topic of macro-regional strategies continued in Implementation of macro-regional strategies, which provides a good introduction to the themes of the workshop on The potential role of EU macro-regional strategies post-2020. Short food supply chains and local food systems in the EU, meanwhile, represents a useful source of information for the event on Go local! Best practices on sustainable food policy at local level. The issues up for discussion at the workshop on Delivering results through a collaboration between Arctic EU programmes are covered by the EPRS publication on EU regional policy in the Arctic with our briefing on Sustainability and EU cohesion policy recommended reading for the workshop on Green sustainability in Cohesion Policy: Urban and regional perspective. To understand the context behind the workshop on: A regional start-up and scale-up initiative – learning from iEER regions, turn to Helping European SMEs to grow: Start-up and scale-up initiatives for business ventures in the EU; while participants at the session on Cohesion policy and Europe’s strategic investments are invited to read Economic and budgetary outlook for the European Union 2017. Finally, our briefing on European Social Fund provides valuable background reading for the workshop on ESF for social inclusion: lessons learnt and the way forward.

Workshop EPRS publication
The contribution of social enterprises to cohesion and resilience in cities and regions EU support for social entrepreneurs
What role for EUSALP in future? The EU strategy for the Alpine Region
The potential role of EU macro-regional strategies post-2020 Implementation of macro-regional strategies
Go local! Best practices on sustainable food policy at local level Short food supply chains and local food systems in the EU
Delivering results through a collaboration between Arctic EU programmes EU regional policy in the Arctic
Green sustainability in the Cohesion Policy. Urban and regional perspective Sustainability and EU cohesion policy
A regional Start-up and Scale-up Initiative – learning from iEER regions Helping European SMEs to grow: Start-up and scale-up initiatives for business ventures in the EU
Cohesion Policy and Europe’s Strategic Investments Economic and budgetary outlook for the European Union 2017
ESF for social inclusion: lessons learnt and the way forward European Social Fund

Read also the Topical Digest on ‘European Week of Regions and Cities‘.