Written by Cécile Remeur (3rd edition),

Updated on 26.1.2018.

Double taxation happens when two (or more) tax jurisdictions impose comparable taxes on the same cross-border taxable event. This can happen since taxation is a sovereign right for individual countries.

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Two scissors with the word tax on the wooden background

The proposal for a directive on double taxation dispute resolution mechanisms in the European Union is instrumental to reducing compliance costs and administrative burdens. It contributes to the broader objective of building a deeper and fairer internal market as well as a fair and efficient corporate tax system in the European Union. The proposal builds on the Union Arbitration Convention, which needs to be updated to improve the existing mechanisms and make them fit the current global tax environment better. This will be done by adding a limited number of rules, and ensuring coordination within the European Union. As this is a tax measure, the Parliament is only consulted. The directive was adopted by the Council on 10 October 2017.

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Proposal for a Council directive on double taxation dispute resolution mechanisms in the European Union
Committee responsible: Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) COM(2016) 686, 25.10.2016


Consultation procedure – Parliament adopts only a non-binding opinion

Rapporteur: Michael Theurer (ALDE, Germany)
Shadow rapporteurs:






Andreas Schwab (EPP, Germany)

Neena Gill (S&D, UK)

Pirkko Ruohonen-Lerner (ECR, Finland)

Miguel Crespo Urban (GUE/NGL, Spain)

Ernest Urtasun (Greens/EFA, Spain)

Barbara Kappel (ENF, Austria)

Procedure completed. Council Directive (EU) 2017/1852
OJ L 265, 14.10.2017, p.1.

procedure completed 7 steps - adoption by council