Written by Jerome Soibinet, Katarzyna Sochacka,

legislative trainThe ‘Legislative Train Schedule‘ application provides an interesting and animated way to visualise progress on the legislative elements of the European Commission work programme. The application mainly focuses on the ten priorities set out in 2014 by Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission for his five-year term. This set of political guidelines should lead to action in a number of fields where the European Parliament has previously called for the Commission to make new legislative proposals or other measures.

Using trains, carriages and railways as metaphors to follow the progress of EU legislation, the policy analysts at the EPRS Members’ Research Service (MRS) regularly update the ‘Legislative Train Schedule’ application, which allows users to monitor the progress of a number of legislative files during the five-year term of the current European Parliament.

legislative trainToday, Parliament is publishing the latest version, marking the end of the Maltese EU Presidency. The schedule counts almost 450 ‘carriages’, each representing one particular legislative file. This supplies readers with a picture of the evolution of the legislative work of the EU institutions, presenting the details in the concise and informative pages devoted to each file. As well as a range of references pointing to sources of information on a given topic, the pages give access to the legislative briefings drafted by the Members’ Research Service.

Today, we add six additional ‘trains’ to the Legislative Train Schedule, covering Parliament committee work not included in President Juncker’s ten priorities. These new trains present the legislative work of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), Environment, Public Health & Food Safety (ENVI), Fisheries (PECH), Culture and Education (CULT) and International Trade (INTA) committees. This gives the reader a complete picture of the legislative work achieved by the European institutions during this legislature.

For more information visit the Legislative Train website.